Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Annotations 8

"'All These Contraceptives, Videos and That...': Young People Talking About School Sex Education". Alison Woodcock, Karen Stenner, and Roger Ingham. Health Education Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, 517-531, 1992. Oxford University Press. http://her.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/7/4/517.

In this article it is talking about how sexual education comes too late for teenagers before they've already had their first sexual encounter. Media and peers pressure kids to experience sex earlier than they should be learning about it. Some kids are embarrassed through peer pressure if they haven't done something sexual by age 12. Overall, this article is about how students are pressured into sex at a younger age.

Annotations 7

"Where AIDS Galloped, Lessons in Applying the Reins". Dugger, Celia W. New York Times. May 18, 2006. P. A4. http://sks.sirs.com/cgi-bin/hst-article-display?id=SMN0059-0-8930&artno=0000248471&t.

This article starts out by explaining the current issues of HIV and AIDS and the expenses and numbers and percentages in Africa. But, as the article goes on it compares them to the United States. This article highlights the age limits a little more. Under standards here in America, schools can fund programs that educate students 14 and younger. Condom education is not added until 15 years old. This article is also showing that condoms are being less emphasized now than abstinence as a topic of safer health. And because of this, African studies are made better through ours and more effective.

Annotations 6

"Correlates of Condom Use and Number of Sexual Partners Among High School Adolescents". PubMed. February 1993. Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, School of Public Health, Columbia, SC. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=84

This article talks about the use of condoms and the number of sexual partners among teenagers. Right off it states that there is an obvious pattern that there is less condom use and more sex partners. This is most commonly found in White students. And yet again there were surveys made to show the evidence that the sexual activity was a majority of teenagers and the majority of those teens don't use protection. There were many categories and statistics that showed that they affect the teens' sex choices. There is an overall suggestion at the end for focusing more on a teenagers mental and emotional health.

Annotations 5

"Study: Abstinence Classes Don't Stop Sex". Freking, Kevin. Ithaca Journal. Ithaco, New York. April 14, 2007. or according to the page: http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/publications/PDFs/impactabstinence.pdf.

In this article you will find many arguements backed up with statistics. Overall the article is stating that you cannot determine whether there is evidence of that sexual abstinence grew or whether it caused more unsafe sex. The author makes it clear that there is no evidence by stating several issues that have different factor to it to determine it as a whole. For example, the survey used in this experiment was whether the program used affected teens for less and/or protected sex more or not. Some studies showed that it did, but they were in different circumstances. But it also stated results being the same between small town and big cities. There were also the different types of programs that could have been in effect.

Annotations 4

"Teen Sexual Behavior News is Both Good and Bad". Anonymous Author. AIDS Alert. Atlanta: March 2005. Vol. 20, Iss. 3; pg. 32. <http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=794112371&sid=2&Fmt=2&clientld=35494&RQT=309&VName=PQD>.

This article only gave a summary of the article. I am giving you a summary of a summary then in a sense. This summary basically tells me that he article is about condom use in order to prevent STD's like HIV. The good news would be that there is more condom usage in teenager in this era. But, the bad news is that teens only use teens when they are starting a new relationship instead if all the time, like they should.

Annotations 3

"Sex and the Single Teen". Abigail Culter, Ross Douthat, Terrence Henry. The Atlantic Monthly. Boston: March 2005. Vol.295, Iss. 2; Pg.50, 1 pgs. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=795369801&sid=5&Fmt=3&clientld=35494&RQT=309&Vname=PQD.

This article discusses other polls that were done for teens. It was showing the decrease in sexual activity and the increase in birth control for those who were still having sex. It also showed, based off of studies, that teens between the ages of 15 and 17 were having sex less in a matter of about a decade. High percentages used birth control, which was an increase from the previous data in the `80's. This article has some good statistics that can be used in arguments.

Annotations 2

Kantz, Matt. "Abstinence Gets Federal Funding". National Catholic Reporters. Kansas City: Feb 27, 2004. Vol. 40, Iss. 17; pg.9, 1pgs.


This document is about polls that were done to determine what the public thinks about abstinence education. It gave a lot of statistics and percentages. There were two surveys done. The first survey was for parents of teens. Focus on the Family 1,004 parents and found that a very high majority of the parents thought that teens should be talk about sex and marriage better. It even talked about the margin of error in their survey. The second survey was about adults and their beliefs in whether schools should have abstinence classes. They found a lower percentage here. There were no majorities found in the second survey that would promote the classes in school. The second survey was done by another called the Kaiser Family Foundation. The margin of error was higher on this report, but there were more people surveyed in the second one. Overall, the polls show that the majority of parents think teaching about abstinence, love, intimacy, commitment, and marriage is important.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Annotations form1 (4/20/07)

"Teen life Q & A".
In this article, it is a thouroughly researched answer to a very controversial topic for a teenage girl. The question she was wondering about was whether oral sex means that you are not a virgin any more. The author of the article gave a thourough answer which gave an honest opinion, but left it open for the concerned teen to decide for herself. The author gave examples and comparisons like, how can you tell which is purer?; the girl who has oral sex every day or the girl who has sexual intercourse once a week? The author also described their own view on it and personal knowledge. The author discussed how he/she grew up a Protestant Christian and how any sexual act or even lust for it was wrong. They also gave an example from the Bible to support this claim. At the end the author left it up to the teenage girl to make her decisions by herself, by saying that it wasn't his place to tell her what ot do. He said that ultimately it was between her and God. He left it at that.